nóvember 21, 2003

Smells like teen spirit(???)

Mér fannst žaš dįldiš fyndiš, ķ gęr ķ kareokee-inu žį var Wu meš okkur og žegar viš pöntušum Smells like teen spirit og sungum(/gaulušum) žaš žį var hann aš heyra žaš ķ fyrsta skiptiš. Mér fannst žaš dįldiš furšulegt aš einhver skuli vera aš heyra žetta lag ķ fyrsta skiptiš tķu įrum eftir aš žaš var gefiš śt, sérstaklega mišaš viš hversu grķšalega mikil įhrif žaš hafši į nįnast alla tónlist sem var gefin śt seinna meir. Žetta undirstrikar eiginlega hversu mikill munur er į austrinu og vestrinu.


Svan skrifaši 21.11.03 12:17

I remind you that you were 12 at the time and undoutably listend to Jackson 5 and Abba, only to hear this song years after it came out as you did not have radio in Garšabęr. The civilization just stops at the border of Reykjavķk and Garšabęr and i guess radiowaves do to, not mentioning Japan as the thing seems to be kareokee and I don't think that smell's hit the kareokee chart at any time in Japan. They did not miss much anyway as the band did not do anything noteworthy after that. Pearl Jam on the other hand, now that's a band.

Posted by: Wunderbra at 22.11.03 02:17
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