nóvember 30, 2003

Hvaš er ķ tękinu

Ég er ekki bśnaš blogga hvaš ég hef veriš aš hlusta į ķ langan langan tķma, žannig listinn ķ dag er óvenjulega langur.

The Flaming Lips: Yoshimi battles the pink robots

The Beatles: Let it be...Naked

Sonic Youth: Goo

George Harrison: All things must pass

Mogwai: Happy songs for happy people

Nick Drake: Bryter Later (jebb, viss ašili smitaši mig af Nick Drake...ég er reyndar ekki einn um aš vera smitašur)

Leftfield: Leftism

Portishead: Dummy

Radiohead: 7 television commercials

The Ramones: Mania

Tom Waits: Rain Dogs, Bone Machine, Alice

Will Oldham: I see a darkness


Svan skrifaši 30.11.03 16:28
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